Further information
What are the references for the studies mentioned in the patient information leaflet?
Ross C, Moriss A, Khairy M et al. A systematic review of the effect of oral antioxidants on male infertility. Reprod Biomed Online 2010:20;711-723.
Giahi L, Mohammadmoradi S, Javidan A et al. Nutritional modifications in male infertility: a systematic review covering 2 decades. Nutr Rev 2015:74(2);118-130.
Salas-Huetos A, Salas-Salvado J & Bullo M. Dietary patterns, food and nutrition in male fertility parameters and fecundability: A systematic review of observational studies. Hum Reprod Update 2017;23:371-389.
Ross (2010) undertook his systematic review on random clinical trials (RCT’s) involving anti-oxidant interventions (vitamin C, vitamine E, Zn, Se, vitamin B9, carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine - as sole use and combinations) on infertile men, where 14/17 studies showed improvements in sperm quality or pregnancy rate. In Giahi’s (2015) review of RCT’s he found evidence for the successful use of carnitine, Co Enz Q10, EPA/DHA and selenium (with vitamin A) in sperm improvement.
In addition, Giahi also looked at 7 observational food-intake studies, from which he concluded that sweets, fats and processed meats were linked to poor sperm quality and that a high intake of vegetables, fruit, low fat milk and fish were linked to improved profiles. This was backed by Salas-Heuto’s (2017) study, where he reviewed 31 individual foods, food combinations and individual nutrient studies on fertility. The results indicated that diets rich in omega 3, vitamin D, folate and certain antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, Se, Zn, lycopene) were inversely associated with low semen parameters. He concluded that male adherence to a healthy low trans/saturated fatty acid diet containing fruit/vegetables, dietary fibre, low fat dairy, fish and poultry can improve semen quality and chances of conceiving.
BOMSS guidelines for pre and post-bariatric nutrition
Mary O'Kane and colleagues have just released the guidelines for monitoring and replacing nutrients both perioperatively and postoperatively. The link to this paper is:
They conclude the following: "Preoperative dietetic assessment and biochemical monitoring are vital to ensure that people are able to meet nutritional needs after bariatric surgery and any nutritional deficiencies are identified and corrected. Long‐term biochemical monitoring is important for the detection and treatment of emergent postoperative nutritional deficiencies. Annual reviews enable nutritional supplements to be reviewed and adjusted. We have systematically reviewed the current evidence base for the nutritional care of patients undergoing bariatric surgery and report our consensus guidelines with graded recommendations. These guidelines have the potential to improve clinical practice and safety for people undergoing bariatric surgery and should be considered for adoption by healthcare organizations. They will be updated regularly as new evidence emerges."
What other sites might be useful to visit?
The British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society suggest the following websites may be helpful.
Association for the Study of Obesity This group has a membership of 400 scientists, medical and health professionals, runs training meetings and conferences and produces a newsletter.
Diabetes UK A British-based patient, healthcare professional and research charity that cares for, connects with and campaigns of behalf of people affected by and at risk of diabetes.
National Obesity Forum Set up by GPs. Its work includes supporting the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity, which raises debates about the causes, prevention and treatment of obesity.
NHS Choices Information from the National Health Service on conditions, treatments, local services and healthy living.
Obesity Empowerment Network Obesity Empowerment Network UK is a new non-profit, user-led, advocacy organisation, dedicated to giving people affected by obesity a public voice through empowerment..
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea This website is a useful information resource about obstructive sleep apnoea (a common co-morbidity of obesity) and its treatment.
Weight Concern A registered charity dedicated to fighting obesity and including programmes to tackle childhood obesity.
Weight Loss Surgery Information A comprehensive resource offering information and support on weight loss surgery.